statistics on what people go to jail for
This webpage features the most noteworthy marijuana statistics in the United States.
Fundamental Findings
The number of American adults who currently use marijuana. (16.ix%)
The per centum of Americans who accept tried marijuana at least once.
The percentage of twelfth-graders who accept used marijuana in the past year. (2017)
Full general Statistics
Marijuana refers to the stale leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant. The plant contains the mind-altering chemical THC and other similar compounds. Marijuana is, past far, the near popular drug in America and arguably the near popular drug in the world.
- Approximately half of Americans, some 78 million people, claimed to have used marijuana at some point in their lifetime.
- The results of a Yahoo News/Marist national survey revealed that approximately 35 million Americans use marijuana on a monthly ground.
- In addition, 55 million Americans in total had reported using marijuana inside the by year.
- The 55 1000000 amount is actually higher than the number of active tobacco smokers, which is approximately 36.5 million, co-ordinate to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- That ways at that place are 50.68% more marijuana users than there are tobacco smokers.
- A 2015 report by Jama Psychiatry concluded that marijuana's popularity has risen considerably over the past decade.
- Co-ordinate to the written report, in 2001-02, 4.1% of Americans had claimed to take increased drug utilise within the past year.
- By 2015, that number had more doubled to ix.1%.
- The study likewise ended that the number of individuals with marijuana use disorder had decreased from 35.6% to 30.six% between 2001 and 2013.
Marijuana Use in the United states
Popularity of Marijuana
The rise popularity of marijuana tin can exist attributed to its growing acceptability in modernistic order. Marijuana is widely accustomed as being "less risky" than other substances like tobacco, alcohol, or painkillers. Marijuana may be considered "less harmful" due to the fact that there have been 0 marijuana-related overdoses always reported, co-ordinate to the Drug Enforcement Assistants (DEA).
- 72% of Americans say that regular alcohol use is more of a health risk than the regular use of marijuana.
- 76% of the population believe marijuana is less harmful than tobacco.
- 67% believe the marijuana is less harmful than prescription painkillers.
- Studies as well bear witness that more than half of Americans (at least 56%) believe using marijuana is "socially acceptable".
- However, chronic users may develop a mental dependency, which tin be categorized every bit a marijuana use disorder.
- A scientific article published in 2018 relays that approximately 10% of regular cannabis users develop a marijuana use disorder.
Marijuana Utilize Among Youth
Statistics related to marijuana employ among the nation'southward youth are some of the most noteworthy and mayhap the well-nigh concerning. Among all grades, disapproval of marijuana and perceptions of harm continue to decrease. Studies show that 3,300 teens effort weed for the showtime fourth dimension every day, which showcases its singled-out prevalence among youth. There are a number of new risks emerging in the community as marijuana becomes more and more popular, because that marijuana is being introduced/exposed to individuals at increasingly younger ages. Many argue that smoking marijuana will lead to a hereafter of substance corruption.
- Almost twoscore% of loftier schoolhouse students have reported trying marijuana, co-ordinate to the CDC.
- People who use marijuana prior to the age of 12 are twice every bit likely to develop a mental illness compared to those who first use marijuana at historic period eighteen or older.
- Strikingly, near 53% of marijuana users (current or prior) 18 or older report kickoff using marijuana between the ages of 12-17.
- About 2% of these individuals report that they first used marijuana before the age of 12.
- Despite this, the most recent Monitoring the Futurity Survey demonstrated that marijuana use has declined amid 8th graders over the past five years to
- Among 12th graders, 6% continue to report daily utilise, which corresponds to about i in xvi high school seniors.
- A smaller percentage of 8th and 10th graders remember that regular marijuana use is harmful, and fewer 10th and 12th graders disapprove of regular marijuana use.
- Simply 29% of 12th graders report that regular marijuana use poses a great risk.
- xiv.ane% of 12th graders believe it is harmful to utilize marijuana from fourth dimension to time.
- Even so, disapproval amid 12th graders remains somewhat high – 64.vii% reported they disapprove of adults smoking marijuana regularly.
Teen Substance Corruption by Drug
The Effects of Marijuana on Teenagers
In 2017, daily marijuana utilize exceeded daily cigarette use among 8th (0.8% vs. 0.half dozen%), 10th (ii.ix% vs. ii.2%) and twelfth (5.9% vs. 4.two%) graders. According to The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), this is the first yr in which daily marijuana use appeared to outpace daily cigarette utilize among 8th graders. This transition occurred in 10th graders in 2014 and in 12th graders in 2015, reflecting a steep decline in daily cigarette employ and fairly stable daily marijuana utilize.
- xix% of teen drivers have reported driving under the influence of marijuana.
- Marijuana is the most common illicit drug institute in drivers who die in accidents (around 14% of drivers), though it is often combined with booze or other drugs.
- Equally mentioned previously, marijuana utilise that begins at an early age puts individuals at risk for mental illness.
- Research shows girls (ages fourteen-15) who used marijuana daily were five times more probable to suffer from low at age 21.
- Daily use in immature women is likewise associated with a significant increase in the chance of reporting a country of depression and feet.
- xiii% of of young users volition become dependent on the drug.
- Marijuana can also negatively touch on cognitive function, with regular employ potentially causing a drop in IQ of up to 8 points.
Legalization of Marijuana
Over the years, marijuana legalization has become a hot topic of fence in U.Due south. politics. When it came to the question of recreational marijuana legalization, there was a division amongst individuals. Notwithstanding, many states have already legalized the drug for recreational use. Currently, you can legally use marijuana recreationally in 18 states (36% of the nation). The ascent of marijuana for medical use has contributed greatly to the increasing credence of the drug. 36 states (72% of the country) have legalized medical marijuana. More and more people are using the drug as the social stigma fastened to it diminishes.
- Legal marijuana has been making great economic strides besides – in 2016, the legal marijuana industry made between $iv-$iv.v billion.
- In 2017, the manufacture fabricated $10 billion — a xxx% increase in the span of i year.
- It is ane of the fastest growing businesses, with a 26% chemical compound growth rate each twelvemonth.
- Analytic results predict that the legal marijuana manufacture could be worth $50 billion by 2026.
- Studies too prove that more than than half of Americans (at least 56%) believe using marijuana is "socially acceptable.
- Many public opinion surveys also written report that sixty% of Americans support legal marijuana.
- The 2017 Yahoo/Marist Survey asked questions on recreational use and medical marijuana separately – information technology discovered that about 83% of Americans back up the legalization of medical marijuana.
- 70% of people who accept tried marijuana support recreational legalization.
- 26% of those who oasis't tried marijuana oppose it.
People Who Have Tried Marijuana vs. People Who Haven't
Despite the widespread usage and credence of marijuana, as well as its legalization in parts of the state, marijuana arrests sill account for a high number of arrests. According to the ACLU's original assay, marijuana arrests now business relationship for over half of all drug arrests in the The states.
- The Washington Post explicates that, in 2016, more people were arrested for marijuana possession than for all crimes the FBI classifies as violent.
- Over the past few years, 85-xc% of all drug arrests involved unproblematic drug possession offenses.
- Small-time marijuana possession arrests accounted for effectually xl%.
- That means, out of i.5 meg drug arrests last year, approximately 1.3 1000000 of them were related to marijuana.
- 92 – The number of people sentenced to federal prison for marijuana possession in 2017.
- one% – Per centum of all federal inmates jailed for drug possession in 2012.
- 600K+ – The number of people arrested for marijuana possession in 2016.
- 59% – The pct of people in federal prison for marijuana-related charges in 2012 that were Hispanic.
- offence-in-the-u.s/2016/crime-in-the-u.s.-2016/topic-pages/tables/tabular array-18
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